

DJI | QUADRO.ua — DJI Enterprise solutions for business! DJI | QUADRO.ua became the first official DJI partner since 2013. DJI drones are the best high-tech solutions for any tasks in the field of inspections, security, protection. Decisions from DJI Enterprise have already been evaluated and implemented by private and public structures. Since the creation of the drone market in Ukraine, the company has been developing it according to 4 principles: 1. Own infrastructure. DJI | QUADRO.ua has branded stores selling UAVs and robotics. To provide quality technical support, was created DJI | QUADRO.service, whose engineers are regularly trained and certified. 2. Innovation. DJI | QUADRO.ua knows about all the new UAVs, about improvements and revolutionary changes in technology. The company is the first to import and implement them in Ukraine. 3. Trust. The main goal is to determine which UAVs are best for business. Long-term partnerships are the number one priority. 4. Support. DJI | QUADRO.service and shops are open 7 days a week, and if necessary - even during non-working hours. Experts help set up business processes and train employees to operate drones professionally.

Target audience: port managers, owners of companies servicing ports and ships

Oleksandr Fomenko

+380 93 849 5480

